James Hobley: A Success Story – Autism, Disco and Me – BBC Three
[Source: BBC]
James Hobley is a young dancer with autism whose turnaround due to his discovery of disco dancing and ballet is documented in BBC Three’s Autism, Disco and Me:
“Two years ago, James Hobley couldn’t read or write and was happier playing with his cats than talking to his family. Then, aged eight, he discovered disco dancing and his life changed forever. Within months he was reading and writing and winning dance competitions. Now he wants to be known as James the amazing dancer, not James the boy with autism.”
It’s been a couple of years since that documentary of which you can get an inspiring taste above. Since then James has appeared on Sky 1’s Got To Dance and he’s just performed in an audition for the tv show Britain’s Got Talent:
“As his mum wells up backstage, James – who could barely walk a few years ago – tells the judges how taking up ballet meant no longer having to wear orthopaedic boots. ‘When I started dancing my tendons just got looser and looser until I never had to wear them any more… It’s the feeling of when I dance, I feel free – like I can do anything. Dancing is my life,’ he says.”
Apparently Mr. Hobley has been offered a ballet scholarship, not sure where, and appears to have a great future in store.
You know, this isn’t just a heartwarming tale, though it certainly is that. It’s also further evidence of the transformative power of dance and movement education that remains largely untapped in allowing humans to realize their full potential. You don’t need to tell dancers but a lot of people still need educating. With James Hobley’s help, we’ve taken another big step forward!