Minidoc on Trace from Bodytorque.Ã la mode 2010 [Source: Australian Ballet]
The May 29th Australian Ballet performance of Bodytorque.Muses is to be streamed online at BigPond Video though they don’t seem to have a dedicated page up. Guess you’ll just have to check on the 29th and adjust it for Australia time!
According to a recent company announcement, Bodytorque.Muses is the eighth installment of the annual Bodytorque program by The Australian Ballet featuring up-and-coming choreographers. Daniel Gaudiello, Kevin Jackson, Alice Topp, Lisa Wilson and Vivienne Wong will explore themes related to the muse:
“whether that muse is a piece of art, film, or something more elusive. It’s a season where anything can happen – stars are made, electric connections forged; all set to anything from Bach to Bowie.”
Shows run from May 26th to the 29th at the Sydney Theatre at Walsh Bay.
You can find out more about the individual pieces on the Australian Ballet’s Behind Ballet blog.
Not only that, you can keep up with company news on their spiffy Twitter feed and, perhaps best of all, you can even buy signed pointe shoes on the their Web store.
Yet another example of a ballet company who understands what it takes to reach a popular audience in the 21st Century!
Official Site: The Australian Ballet