Body Type & Dance Writer: Dancer as Font

Body Type From Typotheque

Body Type From Typotheque [Source: Typotheque]

Typotheque's Peter Bil'ak is the developer of both Body Type, pictured above, and the Dance Writer mobile app, demo below.

The Body Type example is for Body Type Regular which is used in the Dance Writer app. Valentina Scaglia and Lisa van Bommel are the dancers embodying the typeface.

Note that "Body Type includes all 26 letters of the Latin alphabet, but no numbers, punctuation, diacritics or special characters. The human body is simply not very good at making those."

Dance Writer from Typotheque [Source: Typotheque]

Bil'ak and the folks at Typotheque have been working with unique typefaces and uses for typefaces for quite a while, including quite a bit of work with dancers.

You can also see a variety of interesting t-shirts based on their typographic work.

Official Site: Dance Writer App for iPhone & iPad