Nonstop Featured in Roomba & Coke Commercials

iRobot, Do You? Robot Dance [Source: irobot]

Roomba & Coke? Sounds like a new drink but it’s just two of the brands that have featured dubstep dancer Marquese Scott from the States in recent tv or web commercials. He’s also a member of the RemoteKontrol crew.

I hadn’t seen any ads featuring Marquese Scott until reading about the above commercial and campaign for Roomba, the carpet cleaning robot. He also appears in a longer video called iRobot Dance Robolution that features him trading off dance moves with a woman dressed like an office worker.

Marquese Scott Dances to Dubstep Version of Pumped Up Kicks
[Source: Marquese Scott]

I think I first saw Marquese Scott dancing to the dubstep version of Foster The People’s Pumped Up Kicks and kind of lost track after that. You can’t lose track of him now!

Marquese Scott: Facebook ~ YouTube